Gabapentin Addiction Treatment in Arkansas

Your Journey to Sobriety Begins Here

Gabapentin, a prescription drug originally designed to treat health problems such as epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, as well as nerve pain stemming from shingles and diabetes, has increasingly become a subject of substance abuse and addiction. This trend is alarming as gabapentin was often perceived as a safer alternative to opioids. True Self Recovery has recognized this growing issue and offers specialized gabapentin addiction treatment programs.

woman taking gabapentin - gabapentin addiction treatment drug rehab in arkansas

Discover Gabapentin Addiction Treatment in Northwest Arkansas.

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Understanding Gabapentin Abuse and Addiction

Gabapentin addiction can creep up silently, often catching individuals and their families off guard. It typically begins with prescribed drug use for legitimate medical reasons but can escalate to dependency as users chase the euphoric or calming effects. Understanding the mechanics of how addiction develops, and recognizing early signs like increased tolerance, secretive behavior, and physical withdrawal symptoms, is crucial. This knowledge empowers individuals and their loved ones to seek timely intervention for drug abuse.

Common Side Effects of Gabapentin

Some of the more common side effects associated with gabapentin use include dizziness, fatigue, and drowsiness. These effects can impact daily activities, especially tasks that require alertness and coordination. Other frequent side effects are blurred vision, headaches, and gastrointestinal issues such as nausea or diarrhea.

Gabapentin Withdrawal

Withdrawal from gabapentin is a significant concern for those seeking to overcome addiction to this medication. As with many substances, discontinuing gabapentin, especially abruptly, can lead to a range of withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be both physical and psychological, and their intensity varies based on the duration and dosage of gabapentin use.

Gabapentin withdrawal symptoms can include, but are not limited to, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, pain, and in severe cases, seizures. These symptoms are a result of the body’s dependence on the drug and its struggle to readjust to functioning without it. Psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression are also common, as gabapentin often impacts neurotransmitter activity in the brain.

The Role of True Self Recovery in Treating Gabapentin Addiction

At True Self Recovery, the approach to treating gabapentin addiction is comprehensive and compassionate. Our treatment center views addiction as a multifaceted issue, requiring a blend of medical, psychological, and holistic treatments. Our treatment programs are not just about addressing physical dependence, but also about understanding and treating the underlying causes of addiction, be it pain management, mental health issues, or emotional distress.

Gabapentin Treatment Options

The treatment landscape at True Self Recovery is diverse, catering to the varied needs of its clients. Medical detox or detoxification is often the first step. For some, the journey continues with inpatient rehabilitation – an immersive environment focusing on recovery without the distractions or triggers of daily life. Others may find outpatient programs more suitable, allowing them to maintain certain aspects of their daily routine while receiving treatment. Therapy and counseling are integral to all these options, which form the backbone of the treatment process, addressing behavioral patterns and fostering emotional healing.

True Self Recovery excels in crafting individualized treatment plans. Initial assessments consider factors like the severity of addiction, personal health history, and specific life circumstances. This personalized approach ensures that each client receives a treatment strategy that is effective and sustainable in the long run.

Ready to take the next step?

Our outpatient rehab and sober living homes are located in Rogers, Arkansas. It’s perfect place to start or continue your journey into a sober life. Contact our admissions team to learn more.

Support Services at True Self Recovery

Beyond the primary treatment programs, True Self Recovery offers various support services. Peer support groups create a community of understanding and shared experiences, while family counseling involves loved ones in the recovery process, healing relationships, and building a supportive home environment. Aftercare services, an essential component of sustained recovery, provide ongoing support and resources to prevent relapse.

Understanding the Risks of Untreated Addiction

The risks associated with untreated gabapentin misuse and addiction are manifold, affecting physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Chronic use can lead to severe physiological dependence, while the psychological impacts can be just as debilitating. True Self Recovery emphasizes the urgent need for treatment to mitigate these risks.

Preventing Relapse

A cornerstone of True Self Recovery’s philosophy is the prevention of relapse. Our center equips clients with coping strategies, encourages the development of healthy habits, and underscores the importance of ongoing support, whether through therapy, support groups, or community resources.

Overcome Addiction at True Self Recovery

True Self Recovery stands as a beacon of hope for those struggling with gabapentin addiction. Our center’s holistic approach, combined with a compassionate team and a range of treatment options, paves the way for recovery and a return to a fulfilling life.

If you or a loved one are struggling with a gabapentin addiction or another prescription medication addiction, get in touch with True Self Recovery today. Our treatment center is dedicated to providing individuals with an encouraging, safe environment to overcome addiction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Gabapentin Addiction

What makes gabapentin addictive?

Gabapentin can be addictive due to its ability to produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria. Gabapentin acts as a GABA analog and has a calming effect on activity in the brain. When used beyond prescribed limits, it can lead to physical dependence and psychological addiction.

The duration of substance use disorder treatment varies depending on individual needs. It can range from a few weeks to several months, with the possibility of ongoing support through aftercare services.

Gabapentin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat seizure disorders and neuropathic pain. Gabapentin isn’t a narcotic or federally controlled substance, but it is regulated and recognized as a controlled substance in certain states.

Aftercare services include ongoing evidence-based therapies, support groups, and access to resources that help maintain sobriety and manage the challenges of post-treatment life.

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